Well, that’s it… Christmas Day has been and gone. When one window closes another door opens, and the door opened for the New Year presents us with a whole selection of new possibilities and opportunities. Many people use the New Year resolution avenue as a road to improved fitness or as a means of tackling something about themselves that they desire to change, well why should your technology be any different?
While providing our high quality cheap LED televisions, one of the comments that we frequently receive is that our customer wished they did it earlier! All too often we can settle with whatever quality of technology we have present as part of our home cinema, but this shouldn’t be the case! So, let’s take the dawning of 2016 to present you with some potential resolutions to bring your home cinema system into the New Year!
Why Less Wireless?
With the array of media available on everything from Apple TV to Roku, BBC iPlayer to 4OD, it’s easy to see why so many people are making the move from traditional television. Through harnessing the infinite power of the internet and a HDMI cable, you can open up your home cinema’s viewing capacity no end, offering you a world of entertainment that 2015 could only dream of! Also, while we’re heading away cable television, why not invest in a wireless HDMI? You and your conveniently mobile computer will be the talk of 2016!
Refine Your Gaming
The amount of energy that a computer console uses whilst in sleep mode is enough to make your electricity bill cringe. According to a recent study by NRDC, the handy voice activation feature of the XBOX One remains so active in sleep mode that it can account for around 40% of the console’s yearly energy consumption! So for the sake of your console’s longevity, and your energy bill, simply turn your console off in between using gaming sessions.
Love Your Home Cinema
This brings us back to our original point of people settling for less… don’t! Our LED televisions can provide you with a cheap high-quality solution to obtaining an awesome viewing platform for your home cinema. All too often a home cinema system can be something of a Frankenstein’s monster with its own personality, where a certain wire has to be held in at a certain angle to work or you are putting up dead pixels. Well, treat yourself and give your home cinema that long term boost it deserves!
So with that said, all that’s left to say is that, from all the team at Cheap LED TV, we hope you have a terrific technologically superior year, jam packed with awesome viewing! Here’s to 2016!